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Tuesday, 19 September, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 Comentarios

When students and general population do not reach their full potential with innovation and creativity, it harms their emotional and personal development, since it prevents them from developing values such as respect, empathy, tolerance or solidarity. It can also affect your self-esteem, and can lead to problems of crime, violence, drug trafficking, drug addiction, etc. and all of us as a community experience a higher cost of this through citizen insecurity, higher spending on health services, education, reinsertion programs and social assistance.

We consider the “Ecological Center” Green Project, a strategic place, where apart from environmental issues we will give talks and information on various current issues such as women’s empowerment, rape and pregnancies in young girls, gender equality, crime, bullying or bullying, human trafficking, drug use, nutrition, youth entrepreneurship, youth culture and use of free time, and more.

Green project

Tuesday, 15 August, 2023 | Projects and Activities | 0 Comentarios

The non-profit Civil Association Munay-Ki Home, has an information, learning and education center on environmental issues, it is a place to reflect on the habits we have and the way in which these affect the environment that surrounds us, we seek to promote a sense of responsibility in caring for the environment, it is aimed (especially to future generations) at girls and boys who are students of all schools in the city of Cusco.

Sustainability begins in everyday life. We can change a lot through a conscious behavior.

We offer information and recommendations for a sustainable daily life and a conscious and healthy lifestyle.

Peru is among the 10 countries with the greatest diversity on Earth, known as “mega diverse countries”, due to its high diversity of ecosystems, species, genetic resources and aboriginal cultures. Of the 117 recognized life zones in the world, 84 are found in Peru. This reality implies a high responsibility to conserve, protect and restore this natural heritage.

Human beings as carriers of consciousness, sensitivity and intelligence are called to care for and protect Mother Earth, guarantee the continuity of civilization and also monitor our destructive capacity. The wisdom of our indigenous peoples and communities calls us to care for Mother Earth (Pachamama) so that not only our generation can enjoy it, but also for future generations. Future generations have the right to inherit a preserved Earth and nature.

We will promote, raise awareness and increase the idea, knowledge and understanding of the circular economy model. Through design, we can eliminate waste and pollution, circulate products and materials, and regenerate nature, creating an economy that benefits people, businesses, and nature.

It means moving from a linear economic production model, based on the extraction, production, consumption and disposal of products, to another that focuses on avoiding the emission of solid waste and using the planet’s raw materials more efficiently.

The design of areas and components of the Green Project “Ecological Center” is made up of different thematic and interactive environments and with the help of audiovisual effects full of surprises and suggestions, they experience sustainability within their reach and understanding, to strengthen new habits and customs. healthy for a conscious, sustainable and happier life.

  • Our guides help to understand complex interrelationships between sustainability and environmental issues on themed tours.
  • Reception Room, Green House, Gray House, Clean Energy, Water, Garbage, Bees, Recycling, Forestry and Reforestation.

In addition to being a space for education, the “Ecological Center” Green Project, will be a place where you live, learn and act for the protection, defense, regeneration and preservation of our Mother Earth.

It will be possible to reflect on the habits that we have and the way in which these affect the environment that surrounds us. We will seek to foster in children a sense of responsibility in caring for the environment, and it will be aimed (above all) at boys and girls students of all schools in the city. Cusco has a large student population.

Above all, we want to generate a change in the mentality and instead of thinking about garbage (for example), start seeing waste with value, in the logic of the circular economy that supposes a cultural change in the way we understand the production and consumption system to address the lack of resources, the environmental impact, the creation of value and employment.

REFORESTATION (1st campaign)
Green project

Tuesday, 15 August, 2023 | Projects and Activities | 0 Comentarios

The importance of reforestation or massive planting of trees to restore deforested areas is explained by the role that trees play on our planet, new forests help prevent soil erosion or desertification, they can combat climate change, improve communities They produce oxygen, clean the air, capture water, conserve and restore biodiversity, serve as barriers against the wind, regulate temperature, fertilize the soil, help with the conservation of species typical of the area, etc. etc etc There are so many benefits and complying with the country’s forestry law for production or protection purposes, we have carried out this activity.

At the end of December (2022), the rainy season, we had to do the reforestation, but there was a drought and it did not allow it, we waited and in March of this year we did it, with the help of small donations we were able to make our first reforestation campaign a reality, we planted 800 native and endangered trees in the Tiaparo area (Ollantaytambo – Cusco).

The planted species were queuña (Polylepis incana), chachacomo (Escallonia resinosa) and tara (Caesalpinia spinosa).

Likewise, we were able to generate work and we hired peasants (poor men and women from the Willoq-Patacancha-Ollantaytambo town) whom we paid for a day’s work.

Blue Project

Tuesday, 15 August, 2023 | Projects and Activities | 0 Comentarios

In Peru there is silent pain which is the alarming numbers of rapes against girls and adolescents, an evil that results not only in psychological and physical trauma, but also in pregnancies and falling behind in school.

The non-profit Civil Association Munay-Ki Home joins efforts to care for this population, who assume the new role of being mothers living and taking on an imposed maternity, this implies a serious social problem and the risk of generating greater violence if there is not a basic and specialized care that these young mothers require, population curiously so numerous, but at the same time so neglected by state policies, we want to create an opportunity for recovery and reintegration of these young mothers into a better future.

Our Impact

  • We train strong women by strengthening their abilities, they can fully exercise their rights, by being empowered and encouraged to value themselves, dare to dream and achieve their dreams with help, information, education, communication so they can attain gender equality and justice.

How do we do that

  • We implement projects that address the dimensions of their integral development for a future social and labor insertion.
  • Above all, with empowerment programs we aspire that “on the path of empowerment, they would stop being victims and become victorious women who act as agents of social change.”
  • They are young mothers capable of overcoming tough situations, who know how to reinvent themselves, are persevering and now must focus on a positive future and environment.

What do we do

  • We help with a comprehensive care for young mothers and children, victims of sexual and psychological violence, offering them a home, food, clothing, studies, medical and psychological assistance, etc. They are offered complete education, at the school and professional technical level.

Christmas Campaigns
Blue sky Project

Tuesday, 15 August, 2023 | Projects and Activities | 0 Comentarios

At the end of the school year that coincides with the Christmas season, the rainy and cold weather, we bring the famous “Christmas chocolate”, hot chocolate and a biscuit or sweet bread, toys, school supplies, food such as sugar, rice, pasta, cereals, cookies, candies, cans of milk, tuna, salt, oil, fruit juices, oats, etc., to different rural communities (far from the city from Cusco), we visited the educational centers and delivered Christmas bags to all the students.

Last year we went to the Q’eros Nation, designated by the Ministry of Culture of Peru. as a “Living Cultural Heritage of the Nation”  (It is approximately 6 hours from Cusco, by car), an area made up of small towns, we visited 4 schools (Chua Chua, Challmachimpana, Ccochamocco and Munaytik’a), we delivered donations to more than 200 children and their families, all this was thanks to the help and donations of many people with a big heart, supportive and involved in helping.

Munay Ki Home